Life is an illusion

Life is an illusion

Why are we all here?

The most important principle of life and the universe is freedom of choice and freedom of will.

Life is a vibrational frequency
Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

The universe is composed of vibrational frequencies which form the fundamental core of space and time. The Universe is a living entity, and life itself is a vibrational frequency.

There is a theory that Universal life began purely as an identity, an entity with no form, which existed by itself. However, it was sentient and omnipotent, and consequently, it became lonely. As a result of its loneliness, it began to transform itself so that it could experience emotions.

In the beginning, the Universal core of existence was purely white light.

The first stage was to create a diversity of life distributed across seven levels of existence, sometimes called densities. So, it initially divided itself into seven planes of reality with different vibrational frequencies, corresponding directly to the spectrum of the seven colours (frequencies) of the rainbow: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

All life forms begin their journey at level one and the quest is to gradually ascend through all seven levels and eventually become one with the universal core again.

Is life on Earth a school for spiritual growth?

We have the illusion of individuality, but according to The Ra Material: Law of One, we are all one; we are one with everyone else as they are one with ourselves and the Universal core. Therefore, to honour and accept someone else’s free will is to honour and accept oneself. Conversely, to infringe on someone else’s free will is the same as causing damage and ill fortune to yourself.

The purpose of life on Earth is to learn to transcend through the seven levels until we are able to reunify with the Universal core. During that process, the Universe itself attains a multitude of experiences and emotions, which is the fundamental goal of the initial transformation.

Level 1 comprises things like plants, trees, insects and vegetation which have an extremely low level of self-awareness. Level 2 is composed of most mammals excluding humans.

A life form learns its lessons during each of its life spans. Every time it reincarnates, its task is to learn more than it did in its previous life. This is where we see natural instinct emerging in young animals. They are essentially remembering lessons learnt in past lives. Eventually, a particular life form will have learned enough to ascend to the next level of existence. Levels 1 & 2 are effectively the starting point for all life forms and the goal of all life forms is to achieve level 7 and reunite with the Universal one.

Level 3 is the first level where we find life with a significant level of self-awareness. Human beings are on level 3.

The life lessons we learn on Earth.

The ultimate purpose of our existence here on Earth is to learn to love. By doing so, we begin to release our grip on the concept of self, or selfishness. Eventually, we come to accept that we are all equal and in fact, all part of the same whole.

To assist us on this journey of discovery, 4th, 5th and 6th level beings work directly with us to guide us on our paths.

The 7th level is the last stage before reunification with the universe, and 7th level beings act as advisors only to the 6th level beings.

The main job of 4th, 5th and 6th density beings is to maintain the illusion of 3rd level existence for us. In doing so, they ensure that we believe this reality we inhabit is the real world and our true existence.

To transcend from 3rd to 4th level, we need to learn all of the lessons required at this level to achieve enlightenment. The main lesson is to realise that we are part of a greater whole and to cast off all notions of selfishness. A significant part of this journey is achieved through repeated interaction with people we know. To assist in the process, 4th, 5th, and 6th density beings guide us to meet the people we need to meet.

We all belong to a select “soul group” in which the same group of souls (or people) keep repeating (reincarnating) from one life to the next. Family, close friends and acquaintances continually rearrange their roles. For example, your mother in this life could become your best friend or perhaps even your husband in the next.

When we die, we meet up with our soul group and mutually decide which lessons have been successfully learned, what still needs to be learned, and the best way to go about it. Next, it is mutually decided who needs to undertake each particular role in the next life so that we may all progress. This procedure repeats until our group is ready to ascend to the next level. If you think about this process, it explains why some people are born into a life of suffering and others are born to a life of luxury. It is Karma at play.

For example, if you were a particularly cruel person in your previous incarnation then you are likely to be paying for that in some way in your next incarnation. However, even souls born into what appears to be a life of luxury, may still experience other forms of “bad Karma” maybe in terms of mental trauma or whatever it may be. Essentially, everyone here on earth is undergoing some form of life training which is never all good.

The Seven Chakras

The seven Chakras of life
Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay

The seven chakras throughout your body are based around the vibrational frequencies, corresponding directly to the spectrum of the seven colours (frequencies) of the rainbow and represent the seven levels of ascension.

The chakras begin at your feet, so for example:

Thinking with or opening the heart is at a 4th density level.

The throat chakra is at the 5th level or density and is associated with speaking the truth, wisdom, and communication.

The third eye chakra is at the 6th level and represented by the colour indigo. It corresponds with psychic awareness, intuition, and your perception of self and others as one, which is the essence of the Law of One. At this level, you see yourself and all others as one and the same being.

The crown chakra is the 7th level. Here, there is no self and no other, only timeless forever. It is the level of pure awareness. Zen Buddhists refer to this as “The Void.”

Interestingly, the diatonic scale (White keys on a piano – major scale) has seven intervals before it goes back to the octave – the frequencies have equivalent ratios to the wavelengths of visible light – colour – in the rainbow upscaled many times, of course. So, for example, C to D is the equivalent of Red to Orange.

The Ra Material: Law of One

The RA Contact. Life, as taught in The Law Of One.
Available in Kindle edition (the cheapest option)

These are fascinating ideas put forward in the book “The Ra Material: Law of One,” regarding our life here on earth. Unfortunately, the book is not easy to read and is similar in difficulty to The Bible. It’s also not cheap. I would suggest that anyone interested in investigating further should first go for the Kindle edition of book one available on Amazon. Here is a link Please note: This is an affiliate link and if you decide to buy from it, I will receive a small commission on the sale. It does not affect the price that you pay for the item.

This is one of the reviews:

This is not easy or light reading. But nor is the Bible. If you are on a path towards seeking deep truths about yourself and your existence as part of a living universe, and you want to understand more about God, or the Creator, or whatever you wish to call this force, and why you are here at this particular moment in time, this book offers answers and clarification that is without equal. It is not just life-changing, it is paradigm-changing. I cannot imagine that there is another book in existence more important than this. If everyone on earth were to read this material, the trajectory of our earth would be very different.

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