
Welcome to my website.

It is a small insight into how my mind works, what I find interesting and what I find humorous. There is also a link to my YouTube channel which features my lovely wife (he says, just in case she reads this).
I hope that you will find at least something of interest.
“A human being is a spatially and temporally limited piece of the whole, what we call the “Universe.”

“A human being is a spatially and temporally limited piece of the whole, what we call the “Universe.” He experiences himself and his feelings as separate from the rest, an optical illusion of his consciousness. The quest for liberation from this bondage [or illusion] is the only object of true religion. Not nurturing the illusion but only overcoming it gives us the attainable measure of inner peace.”

Albert Einstein. 

Read More About This Theory
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

None of your assumptions about who you are, who you make-believe you are, or the labels you attach to yourself is the real ‘you’; it’s all guesswork. And it is this very guesswork – assumption, make-believe, labelling and so on – that creates the illusion of samsara. Although the world around you and the beings within it ‘appear’, none of it ‘exists’; it’s all a fabricated illusion. Once you fully accept this truth – not just intellectually but practically – you will become fearless. You will see that just as life is an illusion, so is death. Even if you cannot fully realise this view, becoming familiar with it will reduce your fear of death exponentially.

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche


A sample of some of my design ideas. More are being added, as and when I get around to it.

You can see everything that I have to offer by following the link at the bottom of this page, or by clicking on this button.


We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are all passing through

Queen Elizebeth II

Queen Elizebeth II


A small sample of some of my photography. More is being added, as and when I get around to it.

You can see everything that I have to offer by following the link at the bottom of this page, or by clicking this button.


Life is an illusion

what you see and perceive is not necessarily how everyone else around you perceives it.
Some people believe everything we experience is just a dream or a story that someone else is telling us. It’s an interesting theory which makes you question your assumptions about reality.
If everything around us is just an illusion, what does that mean for our everyday lives?
Are we controlling anything, or are we pawns in some cosmic game? 
Ask yourself: what do you honestly believe about life?
More importantly, what does that mean for how you live your life?
Eric Idle
“Always look on the bright side of life”
Eric Idle.

The images shown above are a sample of what is available when you click on the links below.

Please note: The buttons below will take you away from this website and show you two other sites where my work is available for sale.

I hope you will come back after having a look and let me know what you think.

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